Use the testimony of experts

This chapter provided a technique that people can effectively back up the points they want to make in the body of their talk by the use of the testimony of an expert. Before using a testimony, it should be tested by answering these questions.

1.    Is the quotation I am about to use accurate?

2.    Is it taken from the area of the man’s expert knowledge? To quote Joe Louis on economics would obviously be exploiting his name but not his forte.

3.    Is the quotation from a man who is known and respected by the audience?

4.    Are you sure that the statement is based on firsthand knowledge, not personal interest or prejudice?

He said “I believe the true road to pre-eminent success in any line is to make yourself master in that line.”

This technique is another one that a speaker can use very often. We can hear this type of talk from TEDTALK or other similar types of programs.  I often listen to another program which is called “The 15 minutes that changes the world “.

I enjoy watching these programs and I will hear plenty of overheated talk about changing the world and about changing myself as well.

We often deal with so many apps and online media. There is no time to relax or meditate to refresh ourselves. So, these types of talking programs can heal ourselves mentally.  
