Promise to tell the audience how they can get something they want

An almost unfailing way to get alert attention is to promise to tell your listeners how they can get what they want by doing what you suggest.

As an example “I promise that, if you will listen to me for ten minutes, I will tell you one sure way to make yourself more popular”.

The “Promise” type of opener is sure to get attention because it goes straight to the self-interests of the audience.  An opening built around the “Promise“ technique would have been admirably appropriate.

I can see that this technique defiantly gets the audience attention, but it is also a commandment to ensure that you keep that promise. With that said, the speaker needs to be confident about their speech

The salesman can use this technique a lot and it is effective, because the speaker can get the audience’s attention immediately. It is also the easiest way to gain attention from the audience and recognize that how we open a talk largely determines whether the audience is going to accept me and my message.

 This chapter highlighted that I have to remember one thing. I should not only capture the attention of audience, but I must capture audience favorable attention. No rational person would begin a talk by insulting his audience or by making any disagreeable statement that would turn them against the speaker and speech.
