Thoroughly prepare the talk of presentation

“ It has been proved that the deepest yearning of the human heart is for recognition- for honor!”.

When Margery Wilson, the author, wrote this she expressed a universal feeling.

I think we all want to get along well in our own life and we want to be appreciated. So, this chapter shared a story about Althea Gibson who was the tennis star and when they made a speech presentation, they wanted to ensure that the recipient really was somebody. So, they thoroughly considered their choice of each words in presenting the honor and here is a time tested formula

1.    Tell why the award is made. Explain this simply.

2.    Tell something of the group’s interest in the life and activities of the person to be honored.

3.    Tell how much the award is deserved and how cordially the group feels toward the recipient.

4.    Congratulate the recipient and convey everyone’s good wishes for the future.

Nothing is so essential to this little talk as sincerity, everyone realizes this, perhaps without saying so. One key is we should not add words of over-praise. Exaggerated praise makes the recipient uncomfortable.

It is a pretty good tip and formula to follow, if I need to prepare an introduction for someone.
