Put your heart into your speaking

Sincerity, enthusiasm and high earnestness will help to influence a human’s feeling. It will come to the surface and act spontaneously. When we are really communicating our ideas to our listeners we are making use of many elements of vocal and physical variety.

It is well to remember that all these are effects and not causes. The so-called variables, or modulations of tone, are under the direct influence of our mental and emotional state.

So, it is important that we have a topic we know and a topic we are excited about when we go before an audience.

I think I rarely raise or lower my voices from one pitch to another. One day, I recorded my own voice and listened to myself. I realized that my voice is very depressing and didn’t have any energy to be delightful. It is an excellent idea to evaluate myself in terms of volume, pitch variation, and pace. I think it would be useful to have someone help me make this a thing to check.

 I think in this book, I saw several times that I need to speak and act more naturally in the sense that we express our ideas and express them with spirit. I believe that that is a key to get attention from listeners. I would like to try to record more of my voice and my speaking style so that I can see what pitch is good to make listeners comfortable. I also like to try several different tones to change and give some variable to make my idea more interesting and alive.
