Smile =)

Whether or not we’re pleasant to be around depends less on the situation than on our behavior. Rapport is fueled by seemingly minor considerations, such as a friendly, accessible demeanor and a welcoming smile.

Ever hear Peter’s infamous quote from “Office Space.” Peter is talking to his friend, Lawrence, about the workweek and he says, “Sounds like someone’s got a case of the Mondays.”
So its Monday morning and you’re in a bad mood, you make a B line to your desk, hoping you can make it to your cubicle so you don’t have to face reality: the weekend is over and you’ve got five long days to go before your next day off.
When you step into the office, smile at the receptionist, say hello to your coworkers, and do it with a smile on your face. Nobody likes a Debbie Downer, so go in there, and conquer your thoughts of attrition and start enjoying the day. Smile at everyone you see, because even if you are unhappy, you’ll cheer up someone else. And isn’t that what Dale Carnegie envisioned? Make someone else feel better because seeing another person happy will get you feeling better in no time.
Smiling is hard and its not natural, so it takes some effort. But once your mood changes, its the most natural feeling. And you’ll catch yourself smiling more than you know. It takes some time getting used to, so start now.
Today’s lesson can apply to any situation. Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, do it with a smile on your face. Our behavior shapes our conversations with others. Smiling makes a tremendous difference, it is comforting and warming, and we often want to share that with others.
