Sharing the talk with the audience

The paragraph said  “ You can profit from his example by making certain that your talks are always prepared with a specific audience in mind and there are some simple rules that will help to build up a strong feeling of rapport with your listeners “
“ People are selfish,” he said. “ They are interested chiefly in themselves. If I were the editor of the magazine, “ he went on, “ I would tell them how to take care of their teeth, how to take baths, how to keep cool in summer, and so on. People are always interested in human interest stories, so I would have some rich man tell how he made a million in real estate “
So, the takeaway is that if I face an audience, visualize them as eager to hear what I have to say as long as it applies to them. It is essential of their listeners into account are apt to find themselves facing a restless audience.
I watched a documentary a few months ago about a real story of how a politician did their campaign to win the election and the trust is that this is not something like magic or related to luck. Each politician had their own strategy to win the election against the competitor party and it was based on strategic plans that people normally can’t see it. The long story short, the winner politician made a strong foundation by reaching out one by one in order to understand real issues from real people and real contact with people. COVID-19 didn’t stop them and they continued to shake hands with people. He also prepared a hand sanitizer to share with people after his hand shake. He did Not focus on doing a big speech in front of the gathered group. Eventually, it made a big victory to win the election. The key takeaway is the same which is understanding the audience who usually likes talking about themselves rather than interesting others.  
