Relieve the feelings you have about your topic an act in earnest

One of the reasons why we go to plays and movies is that we want to hear and see emotions expressed. We have become so fearful of giving vent to our feelings in public that we have to go to a play to satisfy this need for emotional expression.
When you speak in public, therefore, you will generate excitement and interest in your talk in proportion to the amount of excitement you put into it. Don’t repress your honest feelings.
Also, when you talk before your audience to speak, do so with an air of anticipation, not like a man who is ascending the gallows. The spring in your walk may be largely put on, but it will do wonders for you and it gives the audience the feeling that you have something you are eager to talk about.
I can see that this technique gives more interest to the speaker and it also helps to get more attention from the audience. It also reminds me of one talk show host, when I grew up. he stands up on the stage and does some gestures to collect and hold the audience’s attention like a visible string out of each audience’s eyes or laser beam by his hands and then he goes to his chair and sits down to start his talk.
So, the good speaker can do more naturally and even better to get audience attention, because it is so natural to express their emotions. I also think that it is related to cultural difference. In Asia, they usually don’t express as much as American and it is difficult to tell peoples emotion, because they look the same whether they are happy or not. 
