Make your audience a partner in your talk

The speaker can use a little showmanship and choose some member of the audience to help you demonstrate a point or dramatize an idea, you will be rewarded by a noticeable rise in attention.
If there is a wall between the man on the platform and the people out there, as many speakers say, the use of audience participation will break that wall down.
He said “ I remember a speaker who was explaining the distance it takes to stop a car after the brakes have been applied. He asked one of his listeners in the front row to stand and help demonstrate how this distance varied with the speed of the car.”
I can see these types of speakers sometimes and I never thought that this can be a trick to be a better speaker. I am really amazed by someone who listed all types of tricks and tips to be a better speaker. This is a really good way to communicate with an audience and interact back and forth during the speech. I think it definitely needs some sort of showmanship to engage with an audience effectively. Also, I don’t think this tip can work for everyone. It is also dependent on the audience type and it is important to catch what type of audience you are dealing with at the time that you give a speech. 
