< Give Honest, Sincere Appreciation >

< Give Honest, Sincere Appreciation >

“Audiences are composed of individuals and they react like individuals. Show your appreciation for something they have done that is worthy of praise, and you win a passport into their hearts. “
One example can be “This is the most intelligent audience I have ever addressed”.   Sometimes, when I’m a part of an audience, I usually don’t pay attention that there is such a thing as a tip or technique to be a great successful speaker. Now, I realized that it is true and some people are actually using all of these techniques to be successful and we are just not knowing it.
Also, it is such a coincidence that I just read something about appreciation from the other book. I truly believe that this technique is a passport into someone’s heart.
Another way to open the lines of communication is to use the names of people in the audience. You could see the evident pleasure on the faces of the persons whose names were used and you can sense the warm friendliness of the audience that this simple technique wins for the speaker.
Also, by using “you” and inserting listeners into the picture, the speaker is able to keep attention alive and glowing. If you look at the situation from the Audience point of view, the speaker is only one person and this is another good way to get attention from every one of them. 
