Naturally, the phraseology varies; but the central desire, the basic want in the vast majority of cases, remains surprisingly the same ;
When i am called upon the stand up and speak, I become so self-conscious, so frightened, that I can't think clearly, can't concentrate, can't remember what i intended to say. I want to gain self confidence, poise, and the ability to think on my feet. I want to get my thoughts together in logical order, and I want to get my thoughts together in logical order, and I want to be able to talk clearly and convincingly before a business or social group. " 
I have these same feelings of inadequacy. Wouldn't you give a small fortune to have the ability to speak convincingly and persuasively in public?
I am sure you would. 
Is there the faintest shadow of a reason why you should not be able to think as well as a perpendicular position before an audience as you can sitting down?
Is there why you should play host to butterflies in your stomach and become a victim of the "trembles" when you get up to address an audience?
Surely, you realize that this condition can be remedied, that training and practice will wear away your audience-fright and give you self-confidence.
