< Get the facts about fear of speaking in public >

Listed 4 facts about fear of speaking in public.

  • 1.    You are not unique in your fear of speaking in public.
  • 2.    A certain amount of stage fright is useful.
  • 3.    Many professional speakers have assured me that they never completely lose all stage fright.
  • 4.    The chief cause of your fear of public speaking is simply that you are unaccustomed to speak in public.

I thought a good speaker didn’t have any fear to talk in public and it is interesting to hear that it is actually good to have a certain amount of fear as a natural adjunct of desire to speak in public, and I should learn to depend on a limited amount of stage fright to help me give a better talk.

If stage fright gets out of hand the speakers effectiveness can be lowered, causing mental blocks and lack of fluency..
