Earning the right to talk

< Earning the right to talk >
In this chapter, there are three principals.
1.    Limit your subject.
2.    Develop reserve power
3.    Fill your talk with illustrations and examples.
Effective speech is depending on the speaker’s ability to limit the scope of a subject. We are not able to speak everything that could be said about a topic and sometimes, there is a time limitation as well. Sometimes, I also speak more than what I need to say and I can get off topic or away from my key takeaway. Speaking in all disciplines requires speakers to decided what is really important about a subject.
What does a speaker’s reserve power consist of? Reserve power is magnetic. It doesn’t consist of giving the idea that you are holding something in reserve, but rather in the suggestion that the audience is getting the cream of your observation. To have reserve power, I must have enough material on hand to supply sufficient talk.
The last one is fill your talk with illustrations and examples. I think It would be good if I can show a great presentation slide while i talk. Then, it will provide a good examples or material of my talk and sometimes, I j ust need to let the pictures or captions do the talking. This is very effective speech and provides a strong impact of my speech. 
