Replace "Sugar" to Splenda, when you cook.

Sucralose is 600 times sweeter than sugar!!!
To make sucralose, they take a cane sugar molecule and substitute three hydrogen-oxygen groups with three chlorine atoms.
Splenda usually contains 95% dextrose and maltodextrin which the body readily metabolizes, combined with a small amount of mostly indigestible sucralose. Sucralose is made by replacing three select hydrogen-oxygen groups on sucrose (table sugar) molecules with three chlorine atoms.
When pure sucralose is used in commercial products such as diet drinks, no caloric energy is added, because very little of it is metabolized in the body.But some calories are present in individual retail products: though the "nutritional facts" label on a Splenda single-serving 1-gram packet declares "zero calories", each packet contains 3.31 calories.Such labeling is permitted in the U.S. because FDA regulations allow a product to be labeled as "zero calories" if the "food contains less than 5 calories per reference amount customarily consumed and per labeled serving".Further, Splenda contains a relatively small amount of sucralose, little of which is metabolized; virtually all of Splenda's caloric content derives from the dextrose or highly fluffed maltodextrin "bulking agents" that give Splenda its volume. Like other carbohydrates, dextrose and maltodextrin have 3.75 calories per gram.
As a result, though marketed in the U.S. as No Calorie Sweetener, Splenda individual single-serving packets (which contain bulking agents) contain 3 calories, 25% the calories of a single-serving packet of granulated sugar (one 2.5-gram packet of sugar = 12 calories).
